Project Europe in the World

Implementing Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development
The Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development was adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in September 2015 and represents a new commitment to fight poverty and promote a truly sustainable and global development model.
Signed by the 193 UN member states, this Agenda has as its motto “Transform our world, do not leave anyone behind!” And includes 17 Sustainable Development Goals (ODS) and 169 measures, to be implemented in all countries of the world . This universality of objectives and its thematic scope reflects a more coherent approach between the three dimensions of Sustainable Development: Environmental, Social and Economic. It also makes its realization much more demanding and complex, forcing an effective union and interconnection of wills, commitments and actions, which will transform the current Development paradigm and ensure the sustainability of our Planet.
Aware of the central role that Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) have played throughout the world during the process of building and approving Agenda 2030 and clearly assuming their responsibilities for ODS to be effectively implemented, a set of 25 CSOs from 15 member states of the European Union (EU) have built the project “Europe in the World – Delivering the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development”.
This project has as national partners the Portuguese Platform for NGDOs ( and the CPADA – Portuguese Confederation of Environmental Defense Associations, which has a budget of 124 188.38 EUR co-financing in 90%.
By June 2020, this project will promote an ambitious implementation of the Agenda 2030, both by the EU and its Member States, working with different audiences and seeking to sensitize policy-makers and all citizens and all citizens for their individual and collective responsibility in building a truly sustainable future and that effectively “do not leave anyone behind”!
Beneficiaries / Target Audiences:
– Local, national and European civil society organizations
– National and European policy makers
– Media, journalists and communicators
– National and European citizens
General: Promoting an ambitious implementation of Agenda 2030 by and within the European Union, substantially raising awareness among EU citizens and their policy makers of the individual and collective role and responsibility of building a sustainable future.
Specific Objective 1: Creation and Promotion of a European Civil Society that contributes to the implementation of the ODS
Specific Objective 2: Creation of national civil society networks that contribute to the local and global implementation of ODS
Specific objective 3: Promotion of awareness actions on ODS and Agenda 2030, with different types of activities aimed at specific target groups (Political decision makers, Public Opinion in General, Media and Journalists, etc.)
Specific objective 4: Monitoring the implementation of Agenda 2030 at national and European level
At the national level this project allows to continue the collaborative work on the ODS developed since 2015 by a set of Networks and Platforms that represent different types of organizations and sectors of Portuguese Civil Society and whose main accomplishments were:
1. Public consultation on the construction of the Agenda after 2015 (April to June 2014)
2. Public Consultation Public Consultation with Portuguese Civil Society on the implementation of the Sustainable Development Objectives (May 2016 to April 2017)
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